PVSM, AVSM (Retd.)
Air Marshal Trevor Osman, PVSM, AVSM (1955) retired as Vice Chief of Air Staff in 1997. Previously C/O of the 221 and 102 MiG Squadrons, he had a distinguished career in the IAF. He was awarded the AVSM in 1991 and then the PVSM in 1997 for exceptional service. Air Marshal Trevor Osman was selected for the NDA and completed his flying training at Air Force Flying College, Jodhpur, and Jet Training Wing, Hakimpet, before being commissioned as a fighter pilot in December 1960. He worked his way up from ‘Joe Peeli’ (Pilot Officer) to Squadron Commander and gained valuable operational experience during the Naga and Mizo insurgencies and combat missions during the 1965 and 1971 Indo-Pak wars. TO commanded two front line squadrons, No. 221, ‘The Valiants’, flying Sukhois, and No. 102, ‘The Garuds’, flying MiG 25 Foxbat trisonic aircraft. In 1988, he took command of Air Force Station, Jamnagar, a strategic premium air force base. He has served as ADC to the President of India. TO is a graduate of the Command and Staff College Brackwell, UK, the College of Air Warfare and the National Defence College. His noteworthy senior appointments in the air force are Air Assistant to the Chief of Air Staff, director of offensive operations Air HQ and Air Defence Commander HQ SWAC.